Websites Suggested by Viewers
“9 Round: “Medical and Health Games for Kids” (2016)
Links to activities and resources on the human body and health for kids.
"9 Round: Fitness and Nutrition"
Links to multiple sites for activities and games for students on the topics of nutrition, fitness, and the human body.
"Guide to Eating Healthy When Eating Out"
"Be Good to Yourself: Eat and Have Fun"
"Weight Control: Nutrition For All"
"Kitchen Kids: Nutrition Resources and Information"
"Health Maintenance for Kids" (2014?)
Resource links for Nutrition, Exercise, Mental Health, Safety, Drug and Alcohol Prevention, General Kids' Health .
"Physical Education Curriculum for Teachers and Coaches" (2014)
List of links to PE resources.
"Nutrition and Health for Kids" (2014)
Tips and additional resources for nutrition and fitness.
"Parent's Guide to Dental Health from Pregnancy to Young Adulthood" (2021)
"Autism Resources & Help (For Parents, Teachers, & More" (2022)
"A Kid's Guide to Health" (2014)
Article and links to resources on all types of wellness tips for kids. (Note: Article has a large empty rectangle at the beginning - scroll down to start the article)
"A Collection of Health Games for Kids" (2022)
Links to human body games, health games, and PE games.
"ADHD and Driving"
The symptoms associated with ADHD elevate the risk of motor vehicle crashes for teenagers and adults. Driving with ADHD requires heightened awareness as it addresses the unique challenges individuals with ADHD may face, including maintaining focus and regulating impulses, to contribute to a safer road environment among drivers. In the interest of public safety, we created a new resource for those driving with ADHD.
"Money-Saving Tips for Nutrition"
Some money-saving tips that can make buying nutritious food more affordable.​